What Happened To Paris And Helen After Troy Fell

After the death of paris she aided the greeks secretly on several occasions and in particular when ulysses and diomed entered the city in disguise to carry off the palladium.
What happened to paris and helen after troy fell. On the fall of troy menelaus recovered possession of his wife who had not ceased to love him though she had yielded to the might of venus and deserted him for another. The poet stesichorus however related in his second version of her story that she and paris were driven ashore on the coast of egypt and that helen was detained there by king proteus. Later in the war after philoctetes mortally wounds paris helen makes her way to mount ida where she begs paris s first wife the nymph oenone to heal him. Helen of troy was the wife of a trojan king but when a man called paris came along she fell in love with him and they ran off.
Paris returned to troy without a new bride but the greeks refused to believe that helen was in egypt and not within troy s walls. After the war aeneas departed along with 3 400 men with the same 22 ships that paris had brought to hellas when he abducted helen while antenor 1 was followed in his exile by 2 500 men and 1 200 followed helenus 1 and andromache in theirs. Helen s most famous child is her daughter hermione whom she had with her first husband menelaus of sparta her mother abandoned little hermy to run off with the trojan prince paris. Troy fall of a city recently launched while turkey designated.
King proteus of egypt appalled that paris had seduced his host s wife and plundered his host s home in sparta disallowed paris from taking helen to troy. As euripides tells us in his tragedy orestes. Helen returns alone to troy where paris dies later the same day. What happened to helen of troy and paris after the trojan war.
Still bitter that paris had spurned her for his birthright in the city and then forgotten her for helen oenone refuses. The legendary ancient city of troy is very much in the limelight this year.