Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale Use

A distressing disorder more prolonged than the blues which occur in the first week after delivery but less severe than puerperal psychosis.
Edinburgh postnatal depression scale use. Women and spanish speaking women in other countries. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds was developed to assist primary care health professionals in detecting mothers suffering from postpartum depression ppd. This 10 question self rating scale has been proven to be an efficient and effective way of identifying patients at risk for perinatal depression. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale 1 epds postpartum depression is the most common complication of childbearing.
The edinburgh postnatal depression scale may be photocopied by individual researchers or clinicians for their own use without seeking permission from the publishers. Cox j l holden j m sagovsky r. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale. British journal of psychiatry 150 782 786.
Edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds the edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds is a set of 10 screening questions that can indicate whether a parent has symptoms that are common in women with depression and anxiety during pregnancy and in the year following the birth of a child. The scale must be copied in full and all copies must acknowledge the following source. 347 no 3 july 18 2002 194 199 users may reproduce the scale without further permission providing they respect copyright by quoting the names of the. Piontek postpartum depression n engl j med vol.
The edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds is a questionnaire originally developed to assist in identifying possible symptoms of depression in the postnatal period. Detection of postnatal depression. The edinburgh postnatal depression scale is the most widely used screening scale for pd 8. It has been utilized among numerous populations including u s.
Icope ensures 100 accuracy in scoring provides automated tailored clinician and patient reports and resources and facilitates efficient cost effective and private screening. Postpartum depression is the most common complication of childbearing. Icope is an innovative digital screening platform that incorporates both the edinburgh postnatal depression scale and the antenatal risk questionnaire. Edinburgh postnatal depression scale.
Edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds the epds was developed for screening postpartum women in outpatient home visiting settings or at the 6 8 week postpartum examination. 2 the 10 question edinburgh postnatal depression scale epds is a valuable and effici ent way of identifying patients at risk for perinatal depression.