Edinburgh Napier University Grading Scale

When your module results are published they will be accompanied by decision codes.
Edinburgh napier university grading scale. Promotion of learning assessment should promote as well as measure learning 2. When you receive your marks for assessments remember that the grading scale at edinburgh may vary considerably from what you are used to at home. Programme coherence assessments should encourage the gradual and planned development of skills and attributes 3. Students who gain this award will not be eligible for professional registration.
Why choose edinburgh napier. Grade scale grade description us grade a 70 00 100 00 excellent a b 60 00 69 99 very good b. This table may help us students understand the r d svs grading system. Grading system in edinburgh napier university uk marking method in edinburgh napier university uk marking and grading system of the university latest grading system of edinburgh napier university uk marking techniques of edinburgh napier university uk 2012 marking and grading sytem important techniques of marking importance of questions.
When appointing employees the university has a policy to appoint on the bottom point of the grade this is further detailed in the salary placement policy. C3 11 the minimum number of scqf level 11 credit to be achieved by a student whilst registered as a student of edinburgh napier university having entered a. Assessment at edinburgh napier university is underpinned by six principles. The pass mark is 40 and it is relatively unusual for students to regularly achieve marks of 70 or above in fact.
The grading system is based on the university s common marking scheme with 50 being the pass mark. On the master s grading scale plus a minimum of 20 credits at a grade of d1 or above on the master s grading scale and all competence based modules have been passed at the first attempt. B a minimum total of 80 credits at scqf level 11 are at a grade of d2 or above on the master s grading scale plus a minimum of 20 credits at a grade of d1 or above on the master s grading scale. Clarity assessments should be clear in their requirements procedures and.
The table below explains the marking scheme at edinburgh. 95 1 of our students are in work or further study within six months of graduating hesa 2016 2017 thanks to our industry focused courses excellent facilities and student support.